Dialoghi di numismatica. Protagonisti, prospettive, ricerche is an International Scientific Journal, openaccess (Creative Commons license), of the University of Salerno, which employed the peer review and double blind evaluation form in order to guarantee the high quality of the published contents. Each contribution is evaluated in an anonymous form by two referees, at least one of them not part of the editorial board or the scientific committee, whose names can be seen on the Journal’s website.

Contributions can be submitted in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German.

Each contribution should be completed by two summaries, each one not exceeding 20 lines, according to the following scheme:

  • contribution in Italian: summaries in Italian and English;
  • contribution in English: summaries in English and Italian;
  • contribution in French: summaries in French and Italian;
  • contribution in Spanish: summaries in Spanish and Italian;
  • contribution in German: summaries in German and Italian.

The name and the surname of the author should be listed at the end of the text, followed by affiliation(s) and e-mail address.

Contributions must be submitted, upon prior contact, to the Editorial Board: Alessandro Cavagna (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Giacomo Pardini (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and, as a copy, to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

       1. TEXT AND FONT

For text composition, Word for Windows (.doc/.docx) or Word for MacOS (save in Word format for Windows or .rtf) are recommended. Each author who intend to use uncommon alphabetical characters is asked to supply the related Font.


The bibliographical references in the footnotes will include the author’s surname(s) in small capital, the year of publication and the number of page(s) preceded by the abbreviations p. or pp., e.g.: Grierson 1989, pp. 112-134 (cited works published in the same year by the same author should be  distinguished by an alphabetical letter: e.g. Manzoni1999a, Manzoni 1999b).

The bibliography should be listed at the end of the text, according to the following general scheme: author in small capital, title in italic, the remaining elements in non-italic. In particular:


One author: Cantilena R. 2008, La moneta in Grecia e a Roma. Appunti di numismatica antica, Bologna

One author, work in a serial publication (to be indicated at the end of the bibliographical reference in round brackets):

Cavagna A. 2015, Monete tolemaiche oltre l’Egitto, Milano (Acta e Studia 15)

Two or more authors: Missere G., Missere Fontana F. 1999, La collezione Missere di monete romane provinciali, Modena

Work in several volumes (all quoted): Christiansen E. 1988, The Roman Coins of Alexandria. Quantitative Studies, I-II, Århus

Work in several volumes (only one volume quoted): Christiansen E. 1988, The Roman Coins of Alexandria. Quantitative Studies, I, Århus, pp…

Work translated in Italian: Grierson Ph. 1984, Introduzione alla Numismatica, Roma (It. tr. of Numismatics, Oxford 1975)

Work with a curator: Savio A. 2007, Tetradrammi alessandrini, a cura di A. Cavagna, Milano

Proceedings and collections of papers 

Savio A., Cavagna A. 2011, An alleged Hoard of third Century Alexandrian Tetradrachms, inN. Holmes (ed. by) [a cura di, hrsg., éd. par, ed. por], Proceedings of the XIV International Numismatic Congress (Glasgow 2009), Glasgow, pp. 999-1003

Spagnoli E. 2013, I contesti della Basilica Portuense: il quadro economico-monetario, in L. Paroli, M.  Maiorano (a cura di), La Basilica Portuense. Scavi 1991-2007, Firenze, pp. 521-558

City names must be listed in the original language (i.e. Paris, London, Tübingen, not Parigi, Londra, Tubinga). 


The journal’s titles must be full cited in quotation marks, followed by the Arabic numeral of the volume of the same journal; e.g.:  

Pardini G. 2013, Consumo e produzione di moneta a Pompei tra tarda repubblica e primo impero. Spunti per una riflessione, “Annali dell’Istituto Italiano di Numismatica” 59, pp. 101-142



For quotations, the statement of the cited author must be included into «angle quotes» with, if necessary, internal “smart quotes” (double quote marks).

Refer to Thesaurus Linguae Latinae for the abbreviations of Latin author’s names, to Liddell-Scott for Greek authors.



Photographs or drawnings should not be incorporated into the manuscript but submitted separately with a list of captions in a .doc/.docx format. The disposition of pictures within the manuscript can be indicated by the author.

Every single picture/graph/tab should be correlated by a caption. Every caption will be arranged under the related picture and should indicate the copyright [author or  institution or bibliographical abbreviations if taken from a published book] in brackets preceded by the indication “picture”, e.g.: Fig. 1 - Roma, pendici nord-orientali del Palatino. La fossa contenente le insegne imperiali (foto G. Pardini).

In-text citation of the picture/graph or tab should be indicated in the short form fig., figg., tab., tabb., always with small initial and in italic. Graphs should be considered as pictures and should be included into the same numbering.

Photographs, maps and drawings should be supplied, color or grey scale, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, in .tiff format.

Coins and medals should be pictured in full scale. If a different scale is employed, each author is asked to report it into the related caption.

Alongside pictures, each author should submit to the editorial board the ‘Release form for publishing’ duly completed.


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